It might take more than ESG and CSRD

The Human Factor in succesful ESG reporting.001

It might take more than ESG and CSRD…

If we want to conduct our sustainability policies in a sustainable way, it will take more than ESG reporting.

As humans on this planet today, we are experiencing a ‘poli-crisis’, or multiple crises simultaneously: economic, social, demographic, ecological, technological, geo-political… to name a few.
Facing these crises requires change. We are talking about Change Management on a gigantic scale… We are talking about change at a systemic level.

For that change to develop successfully, we need to change our behaviour as humans on this planet. Not 1 person… billions of people….

If your organisation invests in (voluntary) sustainability reporting, the human factor of sustainability cannot be missing, in order to make the investment truly sustainable.

This is what is meant by the human factor in sustainability: 

It is the role our inner values, beliefs, worldview paradigms have in making and sustaining sustainable practices and actions.
Interested in our inspiring 60′ keynote on “the human factor in sustainability”?

Give us a call and we will organise the necessary for you and your company.



Interested in our inspiring 60′ keynote on “the human factor in sustainability”?

Alexo Coaching is specialised and certified in facilitating sustainable behaviour change since 2018 and is educated by Cambridge Sustainability Leadership Institute. We engage in thinking partnerships to facilitate your sustainability leadership.

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Alexo Coaching